[Thomas Waters, R.M., to his wife, Elizabeth]
Addressed to Mrs Capt.Waters R.M., King Street, Woolwich, Kent
prepaid H.M.S.Howe 8 Nov.1840
My dear Wife
Your letter of Sunday Evening I received the Sunday morning following. Your bit of paper is quite erronious respecting the linen I brought with me. it may be right with respect to what you looked out but if you will recollect when I had packed my chest and box, you said I had only put up two dozen shirts, for there was one dozen left of the three dozen which you had looked out, and I have only brought two sheets instead of the four which your paper states, the list of Pillow cases is also incorrect, the Towels may be right but I do not know- I cannot tell you how to direct letters to me, unless it is to the coast of Syria, but perhaps it will be as well not to send letters to me until you get my direction, unless an opportunity offers of sending by private hand- My best respects to the Molesworths. We are only waiting for a favourable wind to sail immediately- I am glad the children are well, my best Affection to them
I remain my dear Wife
Yours most Affectionately
Thos. Waters
I have not been out of the Ship since my first letter was sent to you