[Thomas Waters, R.M., to his wife, Elizabeth]
Mrs Capt.Waters R.M., King Street, Woolwich, Kent
H.M.S.Howe Spithead 30 Oct.1840
My Dear Wife,
Your letter of yesterday’s date came to hand, I am getting on very well but in my packing hurry, in the midst of my recruiting accounts I packed books and other things that I would rather have left behind and have brought some things that I did not, for instance I have but one pair of sheets, should you ever have an opportunity send me a pair, six or eight shirts and if you find any good drill trousers of mine send them also- You can send the enclosed receipt agreeable to Capt Taylor’s request, you would be wrong if you did not open all letters directed to me because you may have to answer them yourself to prevent inconvenience, do not pay for the bedstead until it is to your satisfaction, let it be taken away rather, you know where to get another and at less pric st 3 and into the coach at 1/2 past 5 and when we got to the waggon and horses in the Burrow I saw my own luggage, bring from the Inn, Chest and all and it was lifted upon the top of the coach, we got to Portsmouth the next morning at 9 comfortable enough, I found Clifton ready, looking out for his charge, he stated that there was no room for my luggage, by the by they do not book at the Elephant & Castle, but it would be sure to be sent next day, he was further told that the outside seats were all ingage but that there was one inside seat which he took and after all he was obliged to ride outside in the midst of heavy rain although he paid for the inside, I have paid him the difference between his 6/6d marching money and the 12/ coach and gave him 6s for good luck although my intending paying the difference, I told him was, to go with the baggage to take care of which he admitted, I breakfasted at the canteen in the Barracks at 10 after fasting from the time I left home. I embarked in the Marine boat about 1/2 past 11 and a ship’s boat brought my luggage and servant in the evening, the next day myself and servant went a shore in the rain and got some things and this day I have been busy about my luggage- One Colonel & the Supernumery Capts go in the Howe and the same number in the Britannia I am anxious to save the Post
Yours Affectionately
Thos. Waters
the Ship was paid Wednesday and mustered by the Admiral thursday