From Thomas Waters Jr. to his parents, Elizabeth Waters and Thomas Waters Sr. (September 2, 1867)

[Thomas Waters to his parents]

[from a transcript]

Wealth of Nations

Manilla    2 September 1867

Dear Father & Mother

We will sail in a few days for San Francisco where I hope to receive some more news from you. Write to the care of Messrs Falkner, Bell & Co.  I wrote to Ben August 3rd enclosing a bill of Exchange.  My health has not been quite so good as usual, the extreme heat joined to the sickly season has begun to tell upon me and the Doctors say I do not take relaxation enough and that I ought to stay more on shore where I would not be quite so lonely.  I have had very many kind invitations to stay at merchants houses on shore but until I was really sick I accepted none, then I was fairly carried into the country where the plantain and orange brushed my bedroom window and everything around was green and beautiful.  Under this kind treatment I soon recovered, had a nice drive in the cool of the evening every day and was taken to two places that I had never been to before, the Opera and a Bullfight where 5 bulls were killed, but I cannot say I at all liked the fight for it was useless danger to the men and downright brutality to the bulls and horses. When the bulls do not show spirit enough the spectators cry out to put fire to them which is done by sticking an iron barbed firework (something like a big squib) eighteen inches long fancifully decorated with strips of coloured paper into their flesh which after a while explodes and sets fire to the paper which of course terrifies the poor brute into madness and then over goes a man and horse in the dust much to the gratification of the spectators.  One bull took a fearful leap right over the board fencing of the circus and nearly killed his tormentors. I must not forget to tell you that I pay the postage here, but I have been informed that there is no mail contract between the British and Spanish authorities, consequently that the postage is demanded again in England. Rowing up the river here a few days ago I saw floating a most miserable sight – it was 2 Chinese prisoners chained together who had probably committed suicide to escape from the Spanish cruelties, tho’ the Chinese themselves are I think the most brutal people in the world.  I am in good health now, but I believe I ought to have staid [stayed] in Nova Scotia a year longer before I started to sea again, however I am now bound to cooler latitudes where I know I shall be all right. I have found here very many kind friends among the English and German Merchants who seem to vie with each other in giving me invitations, but I have only stayed on shore 3 nights as I get anxious about my ship but I had many pleasant drives in the country which has strengthened my constitution very much.

I am taking 3 cabin passengers so that I shall have some company and I calculate to arrive on the N.W. coast of America in better health than I left the N.E. coast of America a little over a year ago. You see I have written about myself enough to justify the maxim that number one is the first law of nature, so you must call upon the first law etc to excuse me for not before enquiring about your own dear health and my sisters’ and brother’s but it has been such a very long time since I heard of you, say eight months, and it will be at least two or three months more, which altogether is the longest time I believe (since I was a runaway sailor boy) which has intervened in hearing from you.  I do sincerely hope, dear Father and Mother, that your lives may long be spared as living examples to your loving children. Probably I will get a letter from you in San Francisco with the joyful news that my Father is all well and that my dear Mother’s cough has disappeared, Elizabeth, Husband and children all right, Ben, Barbara and children better than ever and that my good dear Sisters are as happy as they ought to be.  Remember me kindly to Uncle, Aunt and cousins.  I will write to you on my arrival at -Frisco. With love I remain

    Your ever affectionate son

     Thomas Waters



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