From Thomas Waters Sr. to his wife Elizabeth Waters (June 28, 1840)

by Maria Rigetti | June 28, 1840 12:00 am

[Thomas Waters, R.M., to his wife, Elizabeth]

Addressed to Mrs Capt.Waters R.M., King Street, Woolwich, Kent

Birmingham 28 June 1840

My dear Wife,

I have been thinking about the Tumour you mentioned Mary’s having and Benjamins also, and I do conceive those tumours will eventually be most beneficial to the children’s healths if allowed to take their natural course, I think it is Doctor Arnot who treats of it in his Physics, (a book which I had from the Marine library,) wherein he says that those tumours will take their natural course which is to rise towards the surface, if not indiscreetly checked, and in proper time when nature has done its office disperse of their own accord, but mothers are too apt to get very uneasy and alarmed when they see those swellings and have recourse to medicine, sometimes very improperly, the consequence is that the swellings are improperly checked and thrown back upon the system where often times they become fatal by bursting inwards or perhaps causing the body to become a mass of corruption, it will work its way somewhere and it is best to let nature take its own course in such cases without check or hindrance, the main things for its benefit are what you do attend to, that is cleanliness, wholesome food and fresh air with a proper degree of warmth in the winter together with general comfort, I think those tumours will purify the system and eventually the young folks will have good health.  If you remember it is what St.John,(the quack Doctor of notoriety,) aimed at in his attempt to cure consumptions, to bring the disease from inwardly to outwardly and then he was confident he could cure it, and I believe it is the opinion of most able men that if the disease could be moved near to the surface of the body it might be cured, or in other words perhaps it would cure itself, but they do not know how it is to be done,  Your outward Ailment, which I hope in Providence may yet be got under in time, by the strength of the natural constitution may yet be got under, would have been fatal to you long ago if it had not taken an outward direction, as it is I trust all will be well and you continue a blessing to your children who are so dependant upon maternal affection for the chief happiness of this life the mother’s place will never be efficaciously supplied to her young offspring, it is not in the course of nature; it is in the power of Providence we know, as we read in the Gospel that if we have faith we may remove mountains, but where was ever the person found who had that faith, the meaning is that if we put ourselves to the work, having confidence in ourselves, in what is possible although it may seem difficult, we shall succeed at last, we must look to our own interest otherwise the world will not, negligence is like playing the sluggard, too much trouble, it is a just saying that God helps those who will help themselves, so God prospers those who have some one, good or bad, that will take an active part in providing for them-  The Quakers I believe do not aim at great riches nor will they endeavour to acquire riches but by conscientious means and in those things only which accord with Peace, yet they appear to me never to lose sight of the main thing, that is the means of subsistence whether sunday or other day, I do not mean by opening shop, they have a quiet way of attending to business by thought, word of mouth, note or so on, they do things quietly after their own way, I have not observed a person at their meeting yet that appeared to be really poor, the Friends certainly do not appear anxious to gain proselytes, though they seem desirous to turn the wicked from their evil ways, they erect tents occasionally to preach in in those places where there is a probability of attracting bad characters who will not go to church or any other established place of Worship, there are Quakers who go about from place to place in England as Missionaries directing their attention solely to the abandoned, for the purpose of reforming them, not for the object of turning them to their own faith but to convert them from their evil ways and lead them into the principles of Christianity, the motive in my opinion is admirable. the Wesleyans are doing the same and preaching excellent Sermons in the streets; on Sundays, in a most forcible manner, I stopped one sunday morning in the street, there were but few people present but they were very orderly, a very young man preached beautifully, another equally young gave out a hymn and made an admirable prayer, one of the young men said that service would be performed at a chapel hard by, which he pointed out, at 1/2 past 10. oC. that morning and I was induced to go, in hopes of hearing the young men again but was disappointed, although the service was performed by a very clever man in the chapel-  But as I was saying before, with respect to the Quakers having a view to business, if you recollect on Daniel Wheeler’s going abroad, to preach to the heathen, a vessel was purchased, as a cheaper way than merely engaging a passage, and fitted out with a cargo for traffic as well as for charity and when Mr Wheeler had finished his Mission the vessel and the remains of the cargo were sold abroad and the expence of the expedition very much reduced and as Mr.Wheeler only wanted to come strait home he took a passage in another vessel for that purpose-  Let all things work together for the general good-

But after all, the object nearest my heart is your health and happiness because our children’s so much depends upon that, and for that it is I have taken the pleasure of writing this letter, aiming continually for the benefit of those who are entitled to all my thoughts and exertions even my early rising and long walks contribute to the main end, by strengthening me and keeping me in health, I but a few books for myself to read but it is because I think the mind must be amused as well as the body nourished and exercised, for I hold it wrong to stint the body or mind in necessaries which contribute to the general good, that is contentment here and happiness hereafter, the aim of all those who have really Prudence on the side-  With best wishes to my Love and affection to our good children I remain Yours, what need I say more than

Thomas Waters

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