From Laura Annand Dickey to her sister-in-law Janet Cairns Dickey (May 12, 1910)

by Chris Evans | May 12, 1910 7:42 pm

[in same envelope as previous letter from George Scott Dickey also dated May 12, 1910. Agnes (Dickey) McKeen and Nettie (Henrietta) Dickey were brothers of John Bates Dickey.]

Mid.Musq. May 12th 19/10

Dear Janet.

My heart aches for you and John. Geo. and I can truly sympathize with you. The lonely hours of night time and the sweet little baby ways and winning smiles, the latter two all gone. Just a sweet memory. But we must recognize a kind Father’s hand in it all. His voice has said “Pass under the rod.” Have you read those beautiful verses “Pass under the rod?”

I thought perhaps your baby would recover. We are so sorry for you and John. I cannot say more. This double sorrow coming to John will be hard. But both the dear ones are at rest in the Heavenly Home. Grandma was sick but so short a time. We did not know she was so near her end.  

Agnes and Nettie got home but Agnes was too late for the funeral.

Well good-bye.

Your loving sister, Laura.

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