When clearing out Amaret Bates (Dickey) Reynolds’ home after her death on February 7, 1989, we came across a collection of old letters. These letters were in a tin trunk which had come from the Dickey home in Poplar Grove. Most of the letters were written by Susanna Bates Dickey and George Scott Dickey, parents of John Bates Dickey.
We have tried to reproduce the letters as closely as possible to the way in which they were written, that is: the spelling, punctuation, etc. Each letter is identified and when there was an envelope we have included the information from that along with the details of the postmarks when they were decipherable.
We have included some representative samples of the original letters to show the style of writing, etc.
The letters were copied by Elizabeth (Dickey) Evans in October and November of 1999.
[Note from Christina Evans, Elizabeth’s daughter: I remember these letters being found among the personal effects of Janet Cairns Dickey from when she lived briefly with her daughter and son-in-law, Sadie (Dickey) Cox and Harold Cox, prior to being moved to a nursing home in Wolseley, Sask. Following the death of Janet Cairns Dickey on October 22, 1971, when the family gathered at Sadie and Harold’s home, we went through the items she had left there and divided them up.]