From John Andrew Cairns to his daughter, Janet Cairns Dickey (December 11, 1921)

by Chris Evans | December 11, 1921 8:08 pm

[No Envelope. This was the start of a trip that John Andrew Cairns and Alice Waters Cairns made to Europe, which included visiting the grave of their son, Thomas Christopher Cairns, who was killed in France during World War I.]

Halifax Friday Dec. 11th/21

Dear Janet –

I went over to P.E.I. on my way down to Halifax. The train runs from Sackville to Cape Tormentine & all passengers to the Island have to cross over in the Ferry steamer to Cape Traverse (now called Borden).

I got off at New Annan where Amy McMurdo (Mrs. James Marchbank lives) & got to church in Sab. morning & got to sister Janet’s after church. On Monday Janet and I went to Alex Cairns for dinner, & then up to Ida’s people for tea, then to Stuart Cairns for a short visit & then to Jimmy Cairns (nearest house to our old home) for the night. Jimmy has a wife & little girl 3 yrs. old. Then Tuesday we drove to Cousin Ellen’s (Mrs. E, Moase) & to Cousin Robina’s (Mrs. Robt. Moase) then to Bessie Cairns’ (Mrs. John Burrows) then home in time for Janet to vote. Wed. we made 2 or 3 calls and had tea at Jannet’s with their minister Rev. Mr. Ross – who was the 2nd minister after me at Barney’s River. I started from New Annan at 7 a.m. Thursday & got to Bedford at 8 last night. Amy and Mr. Mulligan are well. We had a fine trip so far. The weather was about 15 degrees of frost all the way. We (Mama & I) are intending to go to see the Creightons this afternoon, & tomorrow we will pack up & on Sunday morning we will sail on the Megantic.

I have very little to write so will close with love to all “my girls” in your house.

Your aff. Father

John A. Cairns

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