From Amy Cairns Mulligan to her sister Janet Cairns Dickey (January 15, 1901)

by Chris Evans | January 15, 1901 9:09 pm

[Envelope addressed: Miss Janet Cairns, Truro, N.S. Postmarked: Barney’s River, N.S. Ja 15 01 Two cent Queen Victoria stamp. Receiving postmark: Truro, N.S. PM Jan 15 01. Written while Janet was attending Normal School.]

[Written crosswise at top:] I mailed a letter to Grandma today.

Saturday afternoon

Kenzieville Barney’s River Pictou Co. N.S.

Dear Shonage;

I got your letter yesterday, but could not read it as my mere and pere and frere Bob, were up at Mrs. Frazer’s and Mrs. J. J. Irvings, they got home about 8 o’clock and started at about ½  past l. I did not have to stay home as Bob went. There was a prayer meeting here Sunday, Monday and Thursday night. They are going to try and keep it up, & it will be on Thursday nights. Minnie Kate McIvor from up the river is going to this school now. She is trying for C and wears her hair up. How much does a good album cost? At least a nice one. We were having fried meat for dinner every day this week, the beef was very tough and Mamma gave it a last trial today and it was just as tough as ever, though it was done correctly. The teacher went up to Hillside Bannerman’s Friday night to stay till Sunday. We had not a fire in the hall since you went away. The hens are laying about 9 or 10 eggs a day now. Queer to say the cloths-horse was put outdoors (in the woodhouse) today as all the clothes were dry. It is the first time it was put out this year. Those crackers are not ate all up yet. I guess Bob has forgotten all about them. It is snowy today. Mamma washed Monday and did not get the clothes out till today and then a big snow-storm began. Mamma got a letter from England and she think’s she will send it. Miss McDonald stayed till Sunday. Oh yes we did have 1 fire in the hall since you left.

Your loving sister

Amy Cairns.

P.S. Was it Hugh Sewart or Roddy Smart who used to call you Shonage? & is that how you spell it? [Possibly Shonagh, a Gaelic version of Joan.]

[Written across top of page 2:] Minnie Kate McIvor is very scotchy, at least she talks broad English.

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