From Thomas Waters Jr. to his mother Elizabeth Waters (June 24, 1854)
by Maria Rigetti | June 24, 1854 12:00 am
[Thomas Waters to his mother]
[original: envelope missing]
Glasgow June 24 (1854)
Dear Mother
I am Hoping you and Papa are in good health as I am at present. I have sent to Eliz. a P.O. order for 15£ but she is to give you only 13£, I would have sent the whole 23£ but Uncle wants me to keep some for Edmond and he will credit you with it for repairing your house, so I have kept the balance and if I do not give it to Ed, will send it to you or indeed will send it to you and let Uncle send what money he intends for Ed. However you can mention when you feel able to write what I had better do. Now Mother I want to tell you something else, if you will keep a girl to help you I will most gladly pay her and feel grateful to you for allowing me to do so. You and Papa are our centre point of unity and we must take care of you for the sake of ourselves. I hope as you have lived to see most of us above our difficulties that you will live to see us all enjoying ourselves and independent, it will be I know a Father & Mother’s greatest pleasure to see their children comfortable and I think you will live to see it. Amy in her last letter to me was discontented about me going away so long and says her Mother is very anxious about me but I think it is better for me to go one long voyage than two or three short ones and I am strongly thinking of giving up the sea after this voyage and try business ashore. I think I ought to see and comfort my wife & children if I can do so and gain a living too. The sea is meant for unmarried men for I dont think it was intended that a Husband should leave wife & children to gain bread with best love to all home