From Joseph Waters to his mother Elizabeth Waters (August 15, 1836)

by Maria Rigetti | August 15, 1836 12:00 am

[Joseph Waters to his mother Elizabeth Waters, née Butterworth]

Addressed to Mrs Waters, King St, Woolwich, Kent. Tuesday evening.

Augs.t 15/36 (1836)

My Dear Mother,

I am just leaving sight of Old England – the place of my nativity – of all my treasures. I go with a good heart a resolute and a firm one. We sailed from the East India Docks on Sunday morning but I assure you it was more like a Saturday. I received the instruments which dear John brought me from the hands of the Custom house officer on board. I was absent at my tea. I have to do plenty of work attend upon the men- the chief mate- trim the lamps- mount the rigging and sweep the decks. but I am beginning to get used to it and go to it with a better will every day. I should not have been able to have written this letter had it not been for the kindness of Mr Christie who allowed me to go into his cabin. I am generally up at 4 oclock and on at every time of the night. The pilot Mr Thomas takes this letter ashore a short distance from Portsmouth. The Chest I bought was not a good one, the hasp of the lock has come off and I have not got a padlock to fasten it. I have put a Spanish lock on it for the present viz. fastened it with nails.

Pray dont be angry with me for this writing. I have been hard at work and sea sick all the day and it was nearly dark while I was writing it. Remember me my dear Mamma to Papa who always has done to me as much good as any father could shew. I hope he is well. Remember me to Mary my dear sister. Tell her I will bring her home something likewise the rest of my sisters and brothers. I hope they are well. Remember me to my friends. I am very well only sea sick. Dear mother I remain your ever affectionate son.

J Waters

(Pencilled on) received it on Tuesday the 23 August 1836

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